A Proud Day for The Turner Group…

Today has been a proud day for me as part of the Turner Group team. It’s not often you get the opportunity to talk to clients and candidates all day about how the team you work with have helped them personally and their businesses.

Creating video testimonials for our new website we thought would mean we could really demonstrate that we deliver what we promise, and today proved we do just that.

Sometimes as recruiters we get bogged down with organisation’s red tape, rates, delays, candidates who don’t show up and the positions you miss out on filling.

But today, I heard a strong and consistent message from candidates and clients alike – we care, we listen, we have the knowledge, we support, we take the time to understand and provide advice.

I know we do this – it’s the culture we have built, but it was so fantastic to hear it from everyone we saw today. It made me believe all over again that what we do is so worthwhile and to stop and remember why I enjoy it.

Great work team, thank you Martin and creative Michael – it’s a wrap ! The videos will be on the website soon…

– Rebecca Biddle